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Coronavirus Update June 2020
We believe it is important to communicate how we are making sure you are safe and secure while exceeding your expectations. Here are the important actions that we have implemented:
- Safety Protocol posters have been posted in all the vans along with this notice
- Guides will take their temperature daily prior to tour departure and record their temperature
- Seats have been removed from our vans to ensure safe/comfortable distance
- Guides have been supplied with masks, thermometers, gloves and hand sanitizer these items are available throughout the tour on a limited basis
- Bottled water will still be provided to our guests in a cooler on the van which the guide (wearing gloves) will distribute upon request
- Vehicles are washed and sanitized daily
During these transitional times, we know you will have questions and concerns. Remember we are here to answer those questions and assist with easing those concerns. Here is some important information that you need to be aware of before touring:
- Face Masks required for all guests
- GC National Park has approved our safety/sanitary protocols on tour with no exceptions
- Guides will be taking guests’ temperature prior to entering the tour van. Any guest with a temperature over 100 degrees will not be allowed to tour.
- Guests will be receiving Safety Protocol procedures electronically prior to and personally day of tour
We are here to support our community and our partners. We are committed today, tomorrow and in the future to continue to be your tour operator of choice and we thank you for your loyalty and support.
From our family to your family remain safe and well.